- send New Year's cards so they'll arrive on January 1st
- 1日 day
- 着く 着く つく to arrive at to reach はく to wear to put on (lower body, e.g. a sword)
- よう よう 夭 early death calamity 酔う to get drunk to become intoxicated 傭 employ hire
- うに うに 雲丹 海胆 sea urchin sea urchin eggs 云為 sayings and doings words and deeds
- 年賀 年賀 ねんが New Year's greetings New Year's card
- 賀状 賀状 がじょう new year's card
- 送る 送る おくる to send (a thing) to dispatch to take or escort (a person somewhere) to
- る る 僂 bend over
- 1日に 1. de die〈ラテン語〉〔 【略】 de d.〕 2. in d. 3. in dies〈ラテン語〉〔 【略】 in d.〕
- くよう くよう 供養 memorial service for the dead holding a service
- ように ように in order to so that
- 年賀状 年賀状 ねんがじょう New Year's card
- 元日に着くように年賀状を送る send New Year's cards so they'll arrive on January 1st
- 1月1日に到着するように年賀状を送る send New Year's cards so they'll arrive on January 1st
- 元日に到着するように年賀状を送る send New Year's cards so they'll arrive on January 1st