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2n 意味



  • 2n
  • 2n-generation    2n-generation 2n世代[医生]
  • 2n世代    2n世代 two-n-generation[医生]; 2n-generation[医生]
  • 2n(複相数)    2n(複相数) 2n[医生]
  • 複相数(2n)    複相数(2n) diploid number[医生]
  • 2mリレー(つーめーく--)    2Mリレー(つーめーく--) two make contacts relay[自動車]〈97D0103:自動車部品―電気装置の機器?部品―名称〉
  • 2morrow     2MORROW {略} : tomorrow 明日◆インターネット
  • 2mass     2MASS {略} : Two Micron All-Sky Survey 《天》2マイクロメートル全天探索計画{ぜんてん たんさく けいかく}
  • 2lブレーキ    2Lブレーキ two leading shoe brake[自動車]〈94D0106:自動車―ブレーキ用語(種類, 力学及び現象)〉
  • 2nd     2nd {略} : second 第2の、2番目{ばんめ}の
  • 2l8     2L8 {略} : too late 遅過ぎる、手遅れである◆インターネット
  • 2nd adhesive face    2nd adhesive face 第2粘着面[その他]〈92Z0109:粘着テープ?粘着シート用語〉


  • Jyouou gp 2nd , finalists list are finalized
    嬢王GP2nd 本選への出場者 すべて決まりました
  • Jyouou gp 2nd's third trial day of the death match result
    嬢王GP2nd 第3回ジャッジメントです
  • Jyouou 2nd , winning prize of 100 thousand
    嬢王GP2nd 優勝賞金は1億円
  • Jyouou gp 2nd kanto region , winner of loser revival match
    嬢王GP2nd 関東地区予選 敗者復活戦の勝者は
  • We really want to do a 2nd season .
  • The original book is the commentaries on international law by dr . abdy 2nd (1878 ).
    原著は Commentaries on International Law Ed. by Dr. Abdy 2nd (1878)。
  • The original book is the commentaries on international law by dr . abdy 2nd (1878 ).
    原著は Commentaries on International Law Ed. by Dr. Abdy 2nd (1878)。
  • The 5th section of the j . league 2nd stage was scheduled for august 16 saturday , but only the game between sanga and yokohama marinos was carried out a day earlier on august 15 friday (kicked off at 19:00 in nishikyogoku ).
  • The team entered the 2nd stage with the system of manager hidehiko shimizu and earned more wins than losses with great difficulties , but the result was that it was barely able to avoid the j1qualification tournament thanks to the dissolution of yokohama flugels .
  • Although it is sometimes found in the mountains of japan , myoga is considered to have been imported from the asian continent and grown in japan because it ' s normally found only in areas in which people have lived in the past , there is no wild species and the chromosome is abnormal (the basic number x=11 , 2n5x55 ).
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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