直 直 ひた earnestly immediately exactly じき ちょく direct in person soon at once just near by honesty frankness simplicity cheerfulness correctness being straight night duty なお straight mischief ordinary com
After the constitution of japan was issued on october 14 , 1947 , 11 miyake (families allowed to be in status of imperial family ), 51 imperial members were demoted from nobility to subject excluding three jikimiya (imperial family members who are directly related to the emperor ) (emperor taisho ' s princes , chichibunomiya , takamatsunomiya , and mikasanomiya ). 日本国憲法施行後の1947年(昭和22年)10月14日に3直宮(大正天皇の皇子たる秩父宮・高松宮・三笠宮)を除く11宮家51名が皇籍離脱する。