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accounting 意味

発音記号:[ ə'kauntiŋ ]  読み方



  • if jcub was doing accounting work like cyril said .
  • instead , i'm going to drive home and do some accounting .
  • this is unquestionably an illegal accounting practice .
    これは紛れもなく 裏帳簿だ
  • president . we just received word from accounting
    社長。 今 経理から 連絡がありまして➡
  • someone named yamamoto , from accounting , piloted it .
    名前ダケデハ ダメナノデス。
  • i've given you a strict accounting of your funds mrs palmer .
  • ooshimasan , please come to the accounting desk .
    ≪オーシマさん 会計までお越しください
  • if i do not read a vivid accounting of this convergence
    事実とフィクションが 集約した
  • started accounting for the power of that hope .
    希望の力を 把握し始める時かもしれません
  • there was no evidence of fraudulent accounting .
    不正経理の実態は やはり 見当たりませんね。
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • the occupation of maintaining and auditing records and preparing financial reports for a business
    Synonyms: accountancy,

  • a system that provides quantitative information about finances

  • a convincing explanation that reveals basic causes; "he was unable to give a clear accounting for his actions"

  • a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance; "they send me an accounting every month"
    Synonyms: account, account statement,

  • a bookkeeper''s chronological list of related debits and credits of a business; forms part of a ledger of accounts
    Synonyms: accounting system, method of accounting,

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