amalgamate amalgamate v. 合併する. 【+前置詞】 The sects amalgamated into a single church. 分派が合併して 1 つの教会となった It amalgamated with another company. それはほかの会社と合併した We want to amalgamate our small farm w
later on , he amalgamated with the japanese deity susanoo . 後に日本の神スサノオと習合した。
amalgamated transport and shipping union ? 運輸・船舶組合よ
prior to being amalgamated to become a part of kitakata city , yamato-machi built a large refrigerated warehouse to store soba . 合併前に山都町が蕎麦貯蔵用の大型保冷庫を建設した。
in japan , the shinto religion and buddhism have coexisted and amalgamated for a long time in the form of a synchronization of shinto and buddhism . 日本は永らく神道と仏教とを神仏習合(神仏混淆)という形で共存・混合させてきた。
after he was introduced in china , he became amalgamated with taizanfukun (taishanfuzhun ), who were associated with the taoist philosophy of a permanent dreamland . 中国に伝わると、道教の冥界思想と関連付けられていた泰山府君と習合した。
while enmaten was amalgamated with enma-daio in china , the two were separately introduced into japan , which might be the reason that the same was split into two . 中国では閻魔天が閻魔大王に習合されていたが、日本に伝わった時にそれぞれ別個に伝わったため同一存在が二つに分かれたとも考えられている。
in 1941 , the hokke sect , honmon hokke sect and honmyo hokke sect were amalgamated as prescribed by the religious corporations ordinance whereby becoming publicly referred to as the hokke sect . 1941年(昭和16年)に宗教団体法により、法華宗と本門法華宗と本妙法華宗が合同し、法華宗と公称する。
in 1941 , the honmyo hokke sect , honmon hokke sect and hokke sect were amalgamated as prescribed by the religious corporations ordinance whereby becoming publicly referred to as the hokke sect . 1941年(昭和16年)に宗教団体法により、本妙法華宗と本門法華宗と法華宗が合同し、法華宗と公称する。
in japan , he amalgamated with susanoo as he was a deity of ferocious nature and was enshrined at yasaka-jinja shrine in gion , kyoto and was worshiped as joeki-shin (a god that protects against plague ). 日本では、猛威ある御霊的神格を持っていることからスサノオと習合し、京都祇園の八坂神社に祀られ除疫神として尊崇された。
legends about tamuramaro are also often amalgamated with those about another celebrated shogun in the heian period , fujiwara no toshihito , with the two sometimes being confused or placed in a father-son relationship . 平安時代の別の高名な将軍藤原利仁の伝説と融合し、両者を同一人と混同したり、父子関係においたりすることもある。
joined together into a whole; "United Industries"; "the amalgamated colleges constituted a university"; "a consolidated school" Synonyms: amalgamate, coalesced, consolidated, fused,