after the goryeo dynasty gave way to the joseon dynasty founded by seong-gye yi , the new dynasty studied china ' s compilation methods for official histories and then produced the biographical annal " history of goryeo " . 高麗が李成桂の李氏朝鮮にとってかわられると、中国の正史編纂にならって紀伝体の『高麗史』が作られた。
in china , chronological histories like the " spring and autumn annals " previously thought to be the work of confucius have long been standard , but beginning with qian sima ' s " shiji " (the historical records ), histories written in biographical annal format began to flourish . 中国では、もと孔子の作とされる『春秋』のように編年体の史書が一般的であったが、司馬遷の著した『史記』以来、紀伝体が盛んに行われるようになった。
with gu ban ' s " hanshu " (the book of han ), a history book about the former han dynasty that was a successor to the shiji , histories written in biographical annal format that also demarcated historical eras by dynastic change (what are called " dynastic histories " ) grew in popularity . 史記を継いで前漢王朝一代の歴史書とした班固の『漢書』からは王朝ごとに時代を区切った紀伝体の史書(いわゆる「断代史」)の体裁が流行した。
in korea , the first official history was the biographical annal " samguk sagi " ( " history of the three kingdoms " , completed in 1145 ), which was created by busik kim of the goryeo dynasty and covered the history of the three kingdoms of goguryeo , baekje , and silla; it is also korea ' s oldest extant history book of any kind . 朝鮮では、高麗の金富軾が作った高句麗・百済・新羅三国の紀伝体正史『三国史記』 (1145年) が最初の正史であり、現存する最古の歴史書である。
during the era of the joseon dynasty , which lasted until the beginning of the twentieth century , the chronological accounts (veritable records ) of each king ' s reign continued to be compiled into what is called the " veritable records of the joseon dynasty " , but no official history in the biographical annal format was ever created for the joseon dynasty . 20世紀初頭まで続いた李氏朝鮮では、各国王一代の編年記録(実録)が編纂されつづけ、『朝鮮王朝実録』と呼ばれているが、紀伝体による李氏朝鮮王朝の正史は作られていない。
at first , the biographical annal histories written in those days , beginning with the " shiji " and the " hanshu " , and including such works as the " annals of the three kingdoms " (the historical work , not the romance ) by western jin historian shou chen , the " hou hanshu " (later book of han ) by southern liu song historian ye fan , and the " songshu " (book of song ) by the southern liang historian yue shen , were all compiled privately , as personal efforts . しかし、「史記」「漢書」をはじめ、西晋の陳寿が書いた『三国志 (歴史書)』、宋 (南朝)の范曄が書いた『後漢書』、梁 (南朝)の沈約が書いた『宋書』など、当初の紀伝体史書はみな個人の撰であった。