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approximate 意味

発音記号:[ ə'prɔksimit ]  読み方



  • approximate collection rate of 11 sheep per hour
  • to approximate the truth of our own communities
  • this will approximate the amount of pressure .
  • and from that figure , we can approximate his time of death .
  • the medical examiner just established approximate time of death .
    検視による 死亡推定時刻だ
  • his approximate death time is between 12am till 2am
    はい。 どうして
  • the approximate whereabouts have no idea .
  • yeah i heard about the approximate thing .
    ええ おおよそのことは聞きました
  • based on the approximate volume of coltan in this shipment .
    あの積荷のコルタンの 量から見積もると.
  • approximate grid , quebecromeo , 155604 .
    銃撃された 撃たれた 援助を
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time); "I estimate this chicken to weigh three pounds"
    Synonyms: estimate, gauge, guess, judge,

  • be close or similar; "Her results approximate my own"
    Synonyms: come close,

  • Adjective
  • located close together; "with heads close together"; "approximate leaves grow together but are not united"
    Synonyms: close together,

  • very close in resemblance; "sketched in an approximate likeness"; "a near likeness"
    Synonyms: near,

  • not quite exact or correct; "the approximate time was 10 o''clock"; "a rough guess"; "a ballpark estimate"
    Synonyms: approximative, rough,

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