of stem cell lines . it's genetically arrayed . それらの株は遺伝情報に応じてアレイ状に並べられます
when these choices are arrayed over time . 時間の間隔が大きいほど より難しくなります
arrayed with the bright stain of original sin: 原罪が残した鮮やかな名残
but have it be arrayed in such a way 解読可能なように
arrayed around the bride 太陽の周りの惑星のように
in addition to being arrayed in purple and scarlet , will be drunk with the blood of the saints . "紫と赤の衣をまとい 聖徒の血に酔いしれていた"
by the influence of international situation of these days , a lot of missiles are arrayed around there and the military policemen equipped with a rifle acts as a bodyguard . また昨今の国際情勢の影響により、近隣にはミサイルを多数配備し、憲兵が小銃を装備し護衛にあたっている。