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askance 意味



  • {形} : 斜めの
    {副} : 横目{よこめ}に[で]、疑いの目で、不信感{ふしんかん}を持って、遠回{とおまわ}しに
  • askance look    横目{よこめ}、不信{ふしん}の目
  • eye someone askance    (人)を横目{よこめ}で見る
  • look askance (contemptuously)    look askance (contemptuously) 尻目に懸ける しりめにかける
  • looking down upon or askance at    looking down upon or askance at 尻目 しりめ
  • askable parent    質問{しつもん}しやすい親、話しやすい親◆特に性に関連するものなど、子供がさまざまな質問をしやすい親。
  • ask-no-questions officials    (細かい事を)何も聞かない役人{やくにん}
  • ask-a-teacher service    (先生{せんせい}との)質疑応答{しつぎ おうとう}サービス◆通信教育などで
  • askarel    {名} : アスカレル
  • ask-a-nurse hotline    看護師相談{かんごし そうだん}ホットライン
  • askarovo    {地名} : アスカロボ
  • ask-a-doc site    《コ》健康相談{けんこうそうだん}サイト、医療相談{いりょう そうだん}サイト◆パソコン通信{つうしん}サービス AOL 契約者{けいやくしゃ}に対するサービス
  • aske    {人名} : アスク


  • he would have looked askance at me , and regulated the conversation .
    顔をしかめて 会話を調整したでしょう


  • with a side or oblique glance; "did not quite turn all the way back but looked askance at me with her dark eyes"

  • with suspicion or disapproval; "he looked askance at the offer"

  • with a side or oblique glance; "did not quite turn all the way back but looked askance at me with her dark eyes"

  • with suspicion or disapproval; "he looked askance at the offer"

  • Adjective
  • (used especially of glances) directed to one side with or as if with doubt or suspicion or envy; "her eyes with their misted askance look"- Elizabeth Bowen; "sidelong glances"
    Synonyms: askant, asquint, squint, squint-eyed, squinty, sidelong,

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