however , since the latter 20th century , a large number of satoyama have been left completely free from human control , and in many regions they are recovering their autochthonous climax vegetations . ただ、20世紀後半以降は里山は完全に放置される場合が多く、本来の極相に戻りつつある地域も多い。
the autochthonous climax vegetation in this region is evergreen broad-leaved forest , however when it is amply affected by human activity , sometimes the vegetation stabilizes as a deciduous forest , without ever reaching its full potential . ちなみにこの地域の本来の極相は常緑広葉樹林であるが、近世ほどではなくともある程度の人の影響があると、このように極相ではなく落葉樹林の状態で安定する場合もある。
the autochthonous habitat was lost due to the exploitation of timber and firewood , and the removal of fallen leaves and underbrush used for the farmland manure impoverished the soil depriving it of nutrition , and allowed the dominant propagation of red pine trees that are resistant in poor soils . 本来の植生は木材や薪の切り出しによって失われ、落ち葉や草の類も田畑の肥料として搬出されてしまった為に土壌の栄養分が乏しくなり、痩せた土地でも生きられるアカマツが優勢となってしまったのである。
in summary , satoyama in the japanese archipelago can be defined historically as a place where we can observe diversified habitats , such as bald mountains , grass mountains and red pine forests which are the result of extreme destruction , secondary forests which are stabilized in a form different from the inherent full range of vegetation , or bamboo forests resulting from harmful bamboo invasion , and lastly , the local autochthonous climax forests . まとめると、歴史的に見て日本列島の里山は植生が極度に破壊された禿げ山、草山、アカマツ林から、本来の極相とは違う形で安定した二次林、あるいは竹害的な竹林、そしてその土地本来の極相林など、多様な植生が存在する場所であるということが言える。
of rocks, deposits, etc.; found where they and their constituents were formed
originating where it is found; "the autochthonal fauna of Australia includes the kangaroo"; "autochthonous rocks and people and folktales"; "endemic folkways"; "the Ainu are indigenous to the northernmost islands of Japan" Synonyms: autochthonal, autochthonic, endemic, indigenous,