- tug-of-war between
- 対立 対立 たいりつ confrontation opposition antagonism
- aとbの対比 parallel between
- aとbの間に利害の対立をもたらす create a conflict between the interests of A and those of B
- aとbの間に利害関係の対立をもたらす create a conflict between the interests of A and those of B
- aとbとの対談 talk between
- aとbの対立を利用しようとした意図的な試み a deliberate attempt to exploit the divisions between A and B
- aとbの法廷での対決 legal face-off between
- 中東の対立 Mideast [Middle East] conflict
- 人種の対立 racial division
- 利害の対立 1. conflict of interest 2. conflicts of interest
- 南北の対立 confrontation between North and South
- 国内の対立 domestic strife
- 夫婦の対立 marital conflict
- 意見の対立 1. clash of opinion 2. conflict of opinion
- 東西の対立 1. East-West conflict 2. confrontation between East and West