- approximation of A to B
- 接近 接近 せっきん getting closer drawing nearer approaching
- 各人の~への接近を管理する control everyone's access to
- aのbへの分化 differentiation of A into B
- aのbへの分裂 splitting of A into B
- aのbへの混入 commingling of A with B
- aのbへの癒着 adhesion of A to B
- aのbへの縫合 suture of A to B
- aのbへの還元 reduction of A to B
- 両耳の接近 approximation of the ears
- 冬の接近 1. coming of winter 2. oncoming of winter
- 台風の接近 approach of the typhoon
- 夏の接近 coming of summer
- 春の接近 coming of spring
- 秋の接近 coming of autumn
- 惑星への接近通過飛行を行う宇宙船 spacecraft making a flyby of a planet