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backlash 意味



  • angular backlash    angular backlash 角度バックラッシ[機械]〈99B0102:歯車用語―幾何学的定義〉
  • antitabloid backlash    タブロイド紙不売運動
  • backlash (angular)    backlash (angular) 角度バックラッシ[機械]〈99B0102:歯車用語―幾何学的定義〉
  • backlash (circumferential)    backlash (circumferential) 円周方向バックラッシ[機械]〈99B0102:歯車用語―幾何学的定義〉
  • backlash (normal)    backlash (normal) 法線方向バックラッシ[機械]〈99B0102:歯車用語―幾何学的定義〉
  • backlash (reference)    backlash (reference) 基準バックラッシ[機械]〈99B0102:歯車用語―幾何学的定義〉
  • backlash against    ~に対する反発{はんぱつ}、~への逆風{ぎゃくふう}、~に対するしっぺい返し
  • backlash alignment    位相{いそう}
  • backlash allowance    バックラッシュ許容差{きょよう さ}
  • backlash effect    跳ね返り効果
  • backlash eliminator    backlash eliminator バックラッシ除去装置[機械]〈96B0106:工作機械―部品及び工作方法―用語〉
  • backlash error    backlash error 戻り誤差[電情]
  • backlash vote    反発票{はんぱつ ひょう}
  • circumferential backlash    circumferential backlash 円周方向バックラッシ[機械]〈99B0102:歯車用語―幾何学的定義〉
  • color backlash    カラー?バックラッシュ


  • it was pulled almost instantly due to consumer backlash
    消費者からの反発で すみやかに撤去され
  • this was the backlash in kenya , and ghana bypassed
  • but i had no idea of the huge backlash that would ensue .
    大衆の大きな抵抗に 遭うとは思いません
  • a global backlash against this culture that
    速い方がいい 忙しいほうがいい
  • we don't know what kind of backlash harusan may face .
    春さんが 今後 どのような 好奇の目にさらされるか。
  • but thankfully , there is a backlash there in parenting as well
    しかし今 アメリカのいくつかの町では
  • you were hoping the backlash would convince her to transfer .
    君は その反発で 彼女が移動するのを 望んでたんだろう
  • but sometimes that can backlash and they'll become very weak .
    でも 時々 その反動で ものすごく 弱くなるときがある。
  • as a backlash from the higher demand to be more manly in their everyday lives .
    女装趣味者が多い というデータがありますが...。
  • this provoked a backlash from mukabumono as well as a stream of objections from cabinet officials of the shogunate .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • an adverse reaction to some political or social occurrence; "there was a backlash of intolerance"

  • a movement back from an impact
    Synonyms: recoil, repercussion, rebound,

  • Verb
  • come back to the originator of an action with an undesired effect; "Your comments may backfire and cause you a lot of trouble"
    Synonyms: backfire, recoil,

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