well , even in basalt surfaces in lavatube caves 火山活動の副産物である溶岩洞の
which is a columnar basalt formation 玄武岩の岩頸で未知との遭遇に
he says here that the nautilus is a basalt cave on the other side of the island ...just under the cliffs . えー ノーチラス号は 島の反対側の洞窟に隠した ちょうど崖の下に
mt . takura located in ogura , yakuno-cho in the city is the only volcano in kyoto prefecture which formed the yakuno plateau; however , the columnar joint basalt at the foot of the mountain still exists . また市内夜久野町小倉に所在する田倉山は夜久野高原を形成した京都府下唯一の火山であるが、そのふもとには柱状節理の玄武岩を見ることができる。
kimon-zaki cape , ryugu domon rock cave , tsuten-domon rock cave , mio no matsushima island and mio oshima island (famous for basalt columnar joint ), juji domon rock cave , shitaara domon rock cave , nokogiri-misaki cape , asahi-domon rock cave , tsurigane-domon rock cave (the world ' s largest cave , a state ' s designated natural monument ), isasa-zaki cape - 鬼門崎、龍宮洞門、通天洞門、三尾ノ松島・三尾大島(玄武岩柱状節理の島)、十字洞門、下荒洞門、鋸岬、旭洞門、釣鐘洞門(世界最大の洞門、国指定天然記念物)、伊笹崎
the commonest type of solidified lava; a dense dark grey fine-grained igneous rock that is composed chiefly of plagioclase feldspar and pyroxene