yoshitsuna was made mutsu no kami at the jimoku biannual inauguration ceremony of the government officials in october 1093 . 1093年(寛治7)10月の除目で、義綱は陸奥守にに就任。
ten years after the later three years ' war , in 1098 , he passed the zuryo-kokka-sadame with the support of emperor shirakawa ( " chuyu-ki ," dated january 23 ) and promoted to shoshiinoge (senior fourth rank , lower grade ) in a kojimoku (extraordinary inauguration ceremony done outside of the biannual jimoku ) in april , and was granted permission to visit the imperial residence in october . 後三年の役から10年後の1098年(承徳2)に「今日左府候官奏給云々、是前陸奥守義家朝臣依済舊國公事、除目以前被忩(そう)行也(件事依有院御気色也)、左大史廣親候奏」(『中右記』正月23日条)と白河天皇の意向もあり、やっと受領功過定を通って、4月の小除目で正四位下に昇進し、10月には院昇殿を許された。