well , newton discovered binomial theorem aged 22 . ニュートンが二項定理を 発見したのは 22歳
the west and the non-west were forcibly compared using this binomial opposition , with an implicit understanding of hierarchical rank applied . さきの二項対立には、西欧/非西欧という本来別カテゴリーの二項対立が無理やり重ねられ、さらにこの二項には暗黙の了解として上下のランク付けがなされていた。
when talking about the world at the time of the boxer rebellion , the theory of social evolution often plays a prominent role as an ideology , describing a binomial confrontation between civilization and barbarianism . 義和団の乱当時の世界は、社会進化論が有力なイデオロギーとして機能し、文明/野蛮という二項対立でもって物事が語られることが多かった。
of or relating to or consisting of two terms; "binomial expression"
having or characterized by two names, especially those of genus and species in taxonomies; "binomial nomenclature of bacteria" Synonyms: binominal,
(mathematics) a quantity expressed as a sum or difference of two terms; a polynomial with two terms