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brother 意味

名詞 複数形: brothers   


  • brother brother sex play    
  • brother-brother sex play    兄弟間性遊戯
  • a man and a brother     a mán and a bróther 同胞,対等の人.
  • adopted brother    義兄弟◆東アジアでは、義兄弟は普通の習慣 Anwar's adopted brother Sukma Dermawan アンワル(マレーシア元副首相)の義兄弟スマドゥマワン
  • baby brother    (末っ子の?未熟{みじゅく}な)弟
  • big brother    {名} : 偉大な兄弟、ビッグ?ブラザー◆「兄貴」という意味。ジョージ?オーウェルの「1984年」から。"Big Brother is watching." とは、政府や有力者がすべての人々を監視している」という意味。◆From George Orwell's novel "1984". "Big Brother is watching" has come to mean that the g
  • blood brother    血を分けた兄弟{きょうだい}、実の兄弟{きょうだい}、切っても切れないもの、同胞{どうほう}、血盟{けつめい}の義兄弟{ぎきょうだい}、血盟者{けつめい しゃ}、戦友同志{せんゆう どうし}、黒人同士{こくじん どうし}の仲間{なかま}
  • brother and sister    brother and sister 兄姉 けいし きょうだい
  • brother ben    〈米俗〉
  • brother by blood    血を分けた兄
  • brother by courtesy    兄弟分{きょうだいぶん}
  • brother carpenter    同業{どうぎょう}の大工{だいく}
  • brother chip    仲間{なかま}の大工{だいく}
  • brother german    {名} :
  • brother in arms    戦友{せんゆう}


  • he was a younger brother of emperors richu and hanzei .
  • is your brother still seeing that crazy blonde ?
  • and transparency , are now watching big brother .
    我々がビッグブラザーを 監視するのだ と
  • sanenao imadegawa , udaijin , was his younger brother .
  • her brother would still be alive if it weren't for him .
  • so as a brother , i will try to understand you .
    お前の兄として 今回は理解することにした
  • your brother represented a significant investment .
    君の兄上は 重要な事業に関わっていた
  • older brother and younger brother ... to your father
    兄と弟... お父さんにとっては
  • older brother and younger brother ... to your father
    兄と弟... お父さんにとっては
  • my brother had this great yamaha motorcycle
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • a male with the same parents as someone else; "my brother still lives with our parents"
    Synonyms: blood brother,

  • a male person who is a fellow member (of a fraternity or religion or other group); "none of his brothers would betray him"

  • used as a term of address for those male persons engaged in the same movement; "Greetings, comrade!"
    Synonyms: comrade,

  • a close friend who accompanies his buddies in their activities
    Synonyms: buddy, chum, crony, pal, sidekick,

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