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catchphrase 意味



  • media catchphrase    マスコミが使うキャッチフレーズ
  • promoted under the catchphrase    《be ~》キャッチフレーズの下で推進{すいしん}される
  • catchpenny literature    三文文学{さんもん ぶんがく}
  • catchpenny book    俗受けを狙った本
  • catchpole    {人名} : キャッチポール
  • catchpenny    {名?形} : (商品などが)際物{きわもの}(の)、安物{やすもの}(の)
  • catchup    {名} : = -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】kae't∫эp、【分節】catch?up --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • catchout    {名} :
  • catchweed    {名} : ヤエムグラ
  • catchment well    集水井
  • catchweight    {名} : 無差別体重{む さべつ たいじゅう} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形} : 無差別体重{むさべつ たいじゅう}の


  • as your good friend , you need a new catchphrase .
    友人として 決めゼリフを変えろ
  • how you like them nipples ? did you just do the catchphrase ?
    マラソンで勝つには 乳首に絆創膏が必要なのさ!
  • new catchphrase ,just came up with it .
  • he named himself the dark flame master , and his catchphrase was ...
    自らをダークフレイムマスターと名乗り 決め台詞は
  • as the catchphrase ' drink , crush , and throw away ' represented , people did not appreciate sake .
  • a catchphrase ' tate 5 hong man choi , yoko 29 hong man choi ' (5 hon man choi in height , 29 hon man choi in width ) was used for this poster .
  • as the increasing number of guests recently prefer the kakenagashi-type , some hot springs are using the catchphrase saying " 100 % fresh hot spring water " in their advertising .
  • the night when the song of nue is heard is dreadful ,' the famous catchphrase for a movie (whose original story was written by seishi yokomizo ) " akuryoto " results from this misinterpretation .
  • nevertheless , curry products from oriental co ., ltd ., which ruled the age with comedian toshiaki minami ' s catchphrase , ' there is also hashed rice ,' are also firm favorites in nagoya .
  • もっと例文:  1  2


  • a phrase that has become a catchword
    Synonyms: catch phrase,

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