with that you changeless unknowing good for nothing silly sally daughter それと同じ事 あの何も分からん パッパラパー娘が
a changeless stone is a symbol of immortality , so if people chose a stone , they would be immortal (or live long ); but they chose a banana and people are destined to die (or have a short life ). 変質しない石は不老不死の象徴であり、ここで石を選んでいれば人間は不死(または長命)になることができたが、バナナを選んでしまったために人間は死ぬようになった(または短命になった)のである。
not subject or susceptible to change or variation in form or quality or nature; "the view of that time was that all species were immutable, created by God" Synonyms: immutable,
remaining the same for indefinitely long times Synonyms: unalterable,
unvarying in nature; "maintained a constant temperature"; "principles of unvarying validity" Synonyms: constant, invariant, unvarying,