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coat 意味

発音記号:[ kəut ]  読み方
動詞 過去形: coated   動詞 過去分詞: coated   名詞 複数形: coats   動詞 現在分詞: coating   
"coat"の例文"coat" 中国語の意味


  • coat with    塗装する、塗る、~をかぶせる、表面を~で被う
  • in a coat    コート[上着]を着て[に身を包んで]
  • t. coat    {人名} : =
  • (coat) hanger    (coat) hanger ハンガー
  • a coat of arms     a cóat of árms (盾の)紋章(crest);(紋章入りの)陣羽織《◆昔伝令の騎兵が着用》.
  • alloy coat    合金被膜{ごうきん ひまく}
  • anchor coat    下塗剤
  • anticorrosive coat    さび止め塗装{とそう}
  • antireflection coat    反射防止{はんしゃ ぼうし}コート
  • antireflective coat    反射防止膜{はんしゃ ぼうしまく}◆【略】AR coat
  • ar coat     AR coat {略} : antireflective coat 反射防止膜{はんしゃ ぼうしまく}
  • back coat    下塗り
  • backing coat    backing coat 裏塗[化学]; 裏面塗[化学]
  • backup coat    仕上げ塗
  • baffy coat    バフィ?コート


  • like he was wearing a long coat ... made a noise in the wind .
  • we coat the inside with these bladder lining cells .
  • they are completely helpless before coat of arms !
  • you just talk and talk . you've got nothing but your coat .
  • look at this coat . nice and shiny , right ?
    見ろ このツヤ ピカピカしてんだろ おい。 ん?
  • when i took them home , my coat started to be
    クリスタル 持って帰ってみたら 俺の自慢の法被が
  • wearing russ' coat to hide your scent ... smart .
    ラスのコートで 匂いを隠すとは・・賢いね
  • nakedness light naked in small sea coat nude embracing
    居然是在光环中 小海被个裸女抱着
  • put on a lab coat and be back here in five minutes .
    ラボのコートを着て 5分で戻ってきて
  • my brother's back , and you're wearing his coat .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • growth of hair or wool or fur covering the body of an animal
    Synonyms: pelage,

  • an outer garment that has sleeves and covers the body from shoulder down; worn outdoors

  • a thin layer covering something; "a second coat of paint"
    Synonyms: coating,

  • Verb
  • cover or provide with a coat

  • form a coat over; "Dirt had coated her face"
    Synonyms: cake,

  • put a coat on; cover the surface of; furnish with a surface; "coat the cake with chocolate"
    Synonyms: surface,

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