commander commander n. 指揮者, 司令官. 【動詞+】 Soldiers are to obey their commander without question. 兵は指揮官の命令に無条件に服従すべきものである. 【形容詞 名詞+】 The battalion commander ordered a retreat. 大隊長は撤退を命じた a cap
all right , forget the commandeering . よし 乗っ取りは やめよう
so , pam , very sorry to do this , but we're commandeering this vehicle on behalf of the nypd . だから パム 悪いが ニューヨーク市警のために この車を使わせてもらう
however , imposition and commandeering of military provisions in the field could cause solders ' act of violence . だが、現地における兵粮米の賦課・徴発は兵士による濫妨を招く可能性があった。
the taira clan established their stronghold in the higashi-harima region and initiated the commandeering and collection of their soldiers and army provisions from the region . 東播磨一帯は平家の地盤であり、兵・兵糧の徴発徴収を行っていた。
in addition , inflow of firearms such as the matchlock caused an increase of mass-consumption type items such as gun powder to munitions materials , a certain part of which could be procured by commandeering in an emergency , increasing the importance of logistics . さらに、火縄銃など火器類の流入は、従来、非常時には徴発によってかなりの部分を賄いえていた軍需物資に、火薬など大量消費型の品々を加えることになり、ロジスティクスの重要性が高まった。
on january , 10 the new government ordered as punishment to the offending supporters , " enemy of the emperor " ; taking of governmental posts , commandeering the hantei (residence maintained by a daimyo in kyoto ) residences in kyoto of their twenty-seven highest cabinet members and those of other top ranking officials in the tokugawa shogunate administration , including yoshinobu , katamori matsudaira (the lord of the aizu domain and the former kyoto shugoshoku [military governor of kyoto ]) and sadaaki matsudaira (the lord of the kuwana domain and the former kyoto shoshidai [the kyoto deputy ]) . 10日には慶喜・松平容保(会津藩主、元京都守護職)・松平定敬(桑名藩主、元京都所司代)を初め幕閣など27人の「朝敵」の官職を剥奪し、京都藩邸を没収するなどの処分を行った。
on january , 10 the new government ordered as punishment to the offending supporters , " enemy of the emperor " ; taking of governmental posts , commandeering the hantei (residence maintained by a daimyo in kyoto ) residences in kyoto of their twenty-seven highest cabinet members and those of other top ranking officials in the tokugawa shogunate administration , including yoshinobu , katamori matsudaira (the lord of the aizu domain and the former kyoto shugoshoku [military governor of kyoto ]) and sadaaki matsudaira (the lord of the kuwana domain and the former kyoto shoshidai [the kyoto deputy ]) . 10日には慶喜・松平容保(会津藩主、元京都守護職)・松平定敬(桑名藩主、元京都所司代)を初め幕閣など27人の「朝敵」の官職を剥奪し、京都藩邸を没収するなどの処分を行った。