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commandery 意味



  • {名} : 支部、中世騎士団の支配する領地


  • daifang and lelang commandery were taken over by wei .
  • wa sent saishi , uotsu , and others to the daifang commandery to ask for help .
    - 倭は載斯、烏越らを帯方郡に派遣、援を請う。
  • nashime was temporarily given a yellow banner (to be submitted to the daifang commandery ).
    - 難升米に黄旗を仮授与(帯方郡に付託)。
  • in 246 , emperor (king of qi ) gave nashime a yellow streamer via daifang commandery .
  • in the latter part , it was stated that there was 12 ,000 ri from daifang commandery to jo koku .
  • a daifang commandery envoy of wei visited wakoku , offering the king of wa an imperial rescript and an official seal .
    - 帯方郡から魏の使者が倭国を訪れ、詔書、印綬を奉じて倭王に拝受させた。
  • there is a record of the diplomatic relations between yamatai and wei through daifang commandery in ' gishiwajinden .'
  • an official called zhang zheng (chang cheng ) was dispatched from daifang commandery because of a dispute with the state of kuna in 248 .
    正始 (魏)8年(248年)には、狗奴国との紛争に際し、帯方郡から塞曹掾史張政が派遣されている。
  • on 23rd august , gongsun yuan , who had controlled daifang and lelang commandery (an ancient county in the northern korean peninsula ), was beheaded by sima yi .
  • queen himiko sent envoys to wei through daifang commandery a couple of times after 239 , and she was appointed as the ruler of wa by the emperor .
  • もっと例文:  1  2


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