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compress 意味

発音記号:[ kəm'pres ]  読み方


  • to compress    to compress 圧縮する[電情]〈99確X0006:情報処理用語(データの準備及び取扱い)〉
  • adhesive compress    接着{せっちゃく}テープ付き圧定布
  • apply a compress    湿布{しっぷ}[罨法{あんぽう}]をする
  • cold compress    cold compress 冷湿布 れいしっぷ 冷罨法 れいあんぽう
  • compress a nerve    神経{しんけい}を圧迫{あっぱく}する
  • compress air    空気{くうき}を圧縮{あっしゅく}する
  • compress bandage    圧迫包帯{あっぱくほうたい}
  • compress files    ファイルを圧縮{あっしゅく}する
  • compress mode    圧縮{あっしゅく}モード
  • compress the brain    脳を圧迫{あっぱく}する
  • compress the graphics    グラフィックス[画像]を圧縮する
  • compress the heart    心臓{しんぞう}を圧迫{あっぱく}する[に圧力{あつりょく}をかける]
  • compress the liquid    液体を圧縮する
  • compress the nerves    神経{しんけい}を圧迫{あっぱく}する
  • graduated compress    graduated compress 段階状圧迫ガーゼ[医生]; 段階状圧迫包帯[医生]


  • however , plasma is difficult to compress .
    しかしプラズマを圧縮するのは 簡単ではありません
  • if you can figure out how to compress it down
  • and we can compress it down to a thousand years
  • often starts to compress the visual nerves in your brain
    脳の視神経を 圧迫する事が多いのです
  • and the basic idea is that we're going to compress this
    基本的な考えとしては これを収縮させて
  • not only can we do things like compress that sequence of phases
  • you can also compress that into a building block
  • they want to compress the information
  • and compress it down to the scale of the university of oxford
  • and showed that they can compress their body
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3


  • a cloth pad or dressing (with or without medication) applied firmly to some part of the body (to relieve discomfort or reduce fever)

  • Verb
  • squeeze or press together; "she compressed her lips"; "the spasm contracted the muscle"
    Synonyms: constrict, squeeze, compact, contract, press,

  • make more compact by or as if by pressing; "compress the data"
    Synonyms: compact, pack together,

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