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compression 意味

発音記号:[ kəm'preʃ(ə)n ]  読み方



  • where that compression in the hose pipe was occurring .
  • surface compression of valve sensors , captain .
    キャプテン 表面のバルブセンサーです
  • and we can see the alternating regions of compression
  • because it's a very strong surface in compression .
    収縮に対し非常に強い面だと 知っています
  • she helped me into my compression garments .
    私が矯正下着を着るのを 手伝ってくれてたの
  • horn used to store energy in compression .
    4つ目は エネルギーを 蓄えるのに使う角です
  • and four: horn used to store energy in compression .
    4つ目は エネルギーを 蓄えるのに使う角です
  • we've got spinal compression and root damage at minimum .
    少なくとも脊髄圧迫と 神経損傷がある
  • tension and compression , the two forces of life
    緊張と圧縮 生命の2つの力が
  • amazake (sweet mild sale ) may be added before compression .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4


  • applying pressure
    Synonyms: compressing,

  • encoding information while reducing the bandwidth or bits required

  • the process or result of becoming smaller or pressed together; "the contraction of a gas on cooling"
    Synonyms: condensation, contraction,

  • an increase in the density of something
    Synonyms: compaction, concretion, densification,

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