congregational 意味
- {形} : 会衆{かいしゅう}の
- congregational church 会衆派教会、組合教会
- congregational worship 集会礼拝{しゅうかい れいはい}
- congregation of a church 教会{きょうかい}の会衆{かいしゅう}
- congregation for the oriental churches 東方教会省{とうほう きょうかい しょう}◆ローマ法王庁
- congregation for the evangelization of peoples 福音宣教省{ふくいん せんきょう しょう}◆ローマ法王庁
- congregation for the doctrine of the faith 教理省{きょうり しょう}◆ローマ法王庁
- congregationalalise
- congregation for the clergy 聖職者省{せいしょくしゃ しょう}◆ローマ法王庁
- congregationalalize {他動} : 組合教会制{くみあい きょうかい せい}にする
- in the case of the congregational churches , all executives are called shitsuji except for some specialists .
会衆制の教会では、一部の専門職をのぞき全ての役員を執事と呼ぶ。 - at congregational churches , shitsuji means ordinary believers who serve the church (god and church members ).
- Adjective
- relating to or conducted or participated in by a congregation; "congregational membership"; "congregational singing"