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consistent 意味

発音記号:[ kən'sistənt ]  読み方


  • consistent with    《be ~》(意見{いけん}?行動{こうどう}などが)~と一致{いっち}する、~と調和{ちょうわ}する The witness testified, and it was consistent with other testimony heard. 証人は証言をしたが、それはほかから聞かれた内容と一致していた。 The theory and practice are not always co
  • approximately consistent    ほぼ一致{いっち}した
  • consistent ability    一貫{いっかん}した能力{のうりょく}
  • consistent advocate    自説{じせつ}を曲げない唱道者{しょうどうしゃ}
  • consistent application of    ~の整合的{せいごう てき}な適用{てきよう}
  • consistent argument    筋の通った議論{ぎろん}
  • consistent chromosome    共通{きょうつう}した染色体{せんしょくたい}
  • consistent correlate of    ~との整合性{せいごう せい}のある相関{そうかん}
  • consistent criteria for    ~の一貫{いっかん}した基準{きじゅん}
  • consistent defect    恒常的欠如{こうじょう てき けつじょ}
  • consistent effort    不断{ふだん}の努力{どりょく} But this is a consistent effort.
  • consistent estimate    一致推定値
  • consistent estimator    一致推定量
  • consistent format    consistent format 適応様式
  • consistent generalization    consistent generalization 整合的な一般化[電情]〈99X0031:情報処理用語―人工知能―機械学習〉


  • are consistent with the laws made by the higher authority
  • any strategy that relies on its consistent application
  • you're pretty consistent , aren't you ?
    一貫してますね そこんところは。 別にね 小学生のころに➡
  • they're much more consistent from one time to another
  • both wounds are consistent with a slowloading force .
    両方の傷が遅い負荷力と 一致している
  • that would be consistent with an acute viral infection .
  • who have characteristics which are consistent
    これらの特徴が アスペルガー症候群のそれと
  • well , it's consistent with the m .e .'s cause of death .
  • ennis's pathology was consistent with sexual abuse .
    アニスの病態は 性的虐待とつじつまが合う
  • its high purity and consistent quality are maintained .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts; "a coherent argument"
    Synonyms: coherent, logical, ordered,

  • (sometimes followed by `with'') in agreement or consistent or reliable; "testimony consistent with the known facts"; "I have decided that the course of conduct which I am following is consistent with my sense of responsibility as president in time of war"- FDR

  • capable of being reproduced; "astonishingly reproducible results can be obtained"
    Synonyms: reproducible,

  • Adjective
  • the same throughout in structure or composition; "bituminous coal is often treated as a consistent and homogeneous product"
    Synonyms: uniform,

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