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contiguously 意味



  • {副} : 隣接{りんせつ}[接触{せっしょく}]して
  • contiguous zone    接続水域{せつぞく すいいき}
  • contiguous water zone    contiguous water zone 接続水域
  • contiguousness     contiguous?ness n. 【名】
  • contiguous united states    地続きのアメリカ合衆国{がっしゅうこく}
  • continence    {名} : 自制{じせい}、節制{せっせい}、克己{こっき}、禁欲{きんよく}、貞節{ていせつ} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】kα'nt(э)nэns、【分節】con?ti?nence
  • contiguous tracks    連続{れんぞく}したトラック
  • continent     continent n. 大陸. 【動詞+】 A railroad bridged the North American continent in the 1870s. 1870 年代に鉄道が北米大陸を横断した cross the continent by train 列車で大陸を横断する. 【形容詞 名詞+】 the two American cont
  • contiguous tissue    隣接組織{りんせつ そしき}
  • continent blighted by poverty and armed conflict    貧困{ひんこん}や武力紛争{ぶりょく ふんそう}で荒廃{こうはい}した大陸{たいりく}


  • the ' contiguous journey theory ' (reading the journey contiguously ), which is used in the kinai region theory , uses the directions and distances described in gishiwajinden: after setting out from daifang commandery , passing through the state of kuyakan , tsuma , iki to northern kyushu , and taking the land route through the state of matsura , ito , na , fumi and toma to yamatai .
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