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continue 意味

発音記号:[ kən'tinju: ]  読み方


  • continue in    《コ》~に引き継がれる
  • continue into    ~へ連なる[続く]
  • continue to    (行動{こうどう}?習慣{しゅうかん}などを)し続ける He continued to play loud music even after the police asked him to stop. 警察がやめるように注意したにもかかわらず、彼はうるさい音楽を鳴らし続けた。
  • continue with    ~を続ける、~を推進{すいしん}する、~にこだわり続ける
  • to continue    to continue 続ける つづける 通す 徹す 透す とおす
  • continue a conference    会議{かいぎ}を続行{ぞっこう}する
  • continue a feud    争い続ける
  • continue a march    行進{こうしん}を続ける
  • continue a sit-in    座り込みを続ける
  • continue a subscription    購読{こうどく}を継続{けいぞく}する
  • continue a talk    話の続きをする
  • continue a tradition    習慣{しゅうかん}を続ける
  • continue a trip    旅を続ける
  • continue aid to    ~への援助{えんじょ}を続ける
  • continue any    {名} :


  • deaths caused by online game continue to rise
  • as excepted , we need to continue investigating ?
    不満が 大いに あるとか 言ってたな。
  • that perhaps things will continue like this ...
    こういう事って 続くのかもしれないなって。
  • that need for animal protein is going to continue .
  • we will continue to work within jcc .
    Joint Consultative Councilも同様です
  • and you'll continue to work from 95 still .
    ⦅あなたは今まで通り 9時から夕方5時まで働くだけ⦆
  • and yet traces of him continue to bleed through .
    なのにまだ... 彼の痕跡が現れてると?
  • continue ! i will definitely continue ... um ?
    続けます! 絶対続けます ねッ... えッ?
  • continue ! i will definitely continue ... um ?
    続けます! 絶対続けます ねッ... えッ?
  • i don't understand why we can't continue construction .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • exist over a prolonged period of time; "The bad weather continued for two more weeks"

  • continue talking; "I know it''s hard," he continued, "but there is no choice"; "carry on--pretend we are not in the room"
    Synonyms: go on, carry on, proceed,

  • move ahead; travel onward in time or space; "We proceeded towards Washington"; "She continued in the direction of the hills"; "We are moving ahead in time now"
    Synonyms: proceed, go forward,

  • allow to remain in a place or position or maintain a property or feature; "We cannot continue several servants any longer"; "She retains a lawyer"; "The family''s fortune waned and they could not keep their household staff"; "Our grant has run out and we cannot keep you on"; "We kept the work going as long as we could"; "She retained her composure"; "this garment retains its shape even after many washings"
    Synonyms: retain, keep, keep on,

  • keep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last; "preserve the peace in the family"; "continue the family tradition"; "Carry on the old traditions"
    Synonyms: uphold, carry on, bear on, preserve,

  • continue a certain state, condition, or activity; "Keep on working!"; "We continued to work into the night"; "Keep smiling"; "We went on working until well past midnight"
    Synonyms: go on, proceed, go along, keep,

  • span an interval of distance, space or time; "The war extended over five years"; "The period covered the turn of the century"; "My land extends over the hills on the horizon"; "This farm covers some 200 acres"; "The Archipelago continues for another 500 miles"
    Synonyms: cover, extend,

  • continue in a place, position, or situation; "After graduation, she stayed on in Cambridge as a student adviser"; "Stay with me, please"; "despite student protests, he remained Dean for another year"; "She continued as deputy mayor for another year"
    Synonyms: stay, stay on, remain,

  • continue after an interruption; "The demonstration continued after a break for lunch"

  • do something repeatedly and showing no intention to stop; "We continued our research into the cause of the illness"; "The landlord persists in asking us to move"
    Synonyms: persist in,

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