i would be violating a contractual obligation and , well ... 破る事になるんだ...
without an enormous amount of contractual overhead ものすごいことを成し遂げるのを目にするでしょう
having no particular contractual or legal obligation 義務は何もありません
than the contractual constraints did . 親切な文化を作るということです
rather than contractual ones . 社会的な制約に基づいて行動するのです
the tato served kokushi in a certain contractual relationship and was also called yoriudo (a dependent , frequently one who served a noble house or proprietor ). こうした田堵は国司と一定の契約関係で仕えており、寄人(よりゅうど)とも言われた。
this is because the relationship between lord and vassal in the medieval period was a contractual relationship having a conception of ' favour and service ' . なぜなら、中世期の主従関係は主君と郎党間の契約関係であり、「御恩と奉公」とする観念があったためである。
the descendants of the udaijin minamoto no morofusa , who was a child of the seventh prince tomohira and became a contractual adopted child of fujiwara no yorimichi , were prosperous . 第七皇子の具平親王の子で藤原頼通の猶子となった右大臣源師房の子孫が栄えた。
on the other hand , there were also many so-called ' higokenin ' (non-samurai retainers ) who did not have a contractual reward-for-service relationship with the kamakura bakufu (shogunate ). いっぽう、鎌倉幕府と御恩・奉公の契約関係にない「非御家人」の数も多かった。