but john's as innocent as i am culpable . でも 私が犯罪者なのが確実であるのと同様に ジョンの無実は 確実だわ
you just made me culpable in a revenge murder 貴方は復讐に走る 人殺しとして
you are now an accessory after the fact . you are culpable . このままでは犯罪ほう助に 問われる
it is supposed that tokimasa made the father and son of the hatakeyama family culpable as traitors to get rid of them , and although his sons , yoshitoki and tokifusa hojo were opposed to their father when tokimasa ordered the subjugation of the hatakeyama family , finally they followed his orders . 時政は畠山父子を排斥すべく謀反人に仕立て上げたとされ、時政に畠山討伐を命じられた息子北条義時・北条時房は反対したが押し切られた。
the application for issuance is made so as not for enchin to be held culpable by government officials at checking stations in chou (prefecture in the han and qin dynasties ) and xian (district ) during his round trip ,' and also contained a description to the effect that esshutotokufu approved the issuance upon examining the contents . その往還の州県にある関津などで、官司に咎められないよう、交付申請を行なう」と認められており、越州都督府は、その内容を審査した上で、発給を認可した旨が記されている。
deserving blame or censure as being wrong or evil or injurious; "blameworthy if not criminal behavior"; "censurable misconduct"; "culpable negligence" Synonyms: blameworthy, blamable, blameable, blameful, censurable,