but what is unusual is what the cyst has formed around . でも丸いのは珍しい
and it corresponds to a little cyst これはその下に埋もれた嚢胞に
you have developed a cyst のう腫が できてますね。
the cyst continued to grow . 畸形嚢腫...
In japan , nemacystus decipiens , a kind of the family spermatochnaceae , is called as japanese name mozuku (another name , ito-mozuku ), but the family spermatochnaceae has many kinds . 日本ではモズク科の一種・Nemacystus decipiens に「モズク」(別名イトモズク)の和名が当てられるが、他にも多くの種類がある。
a small anatomically normal sac or bladderlike structure (especially one containing fluid) Synonyms: vesicle,
a closed sac that develops abnormally in some body structure