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debate 意味

発音記号:[ di'beit ]  読み方
動詞 過去形: debated   動詞 過去分詞: debated   名詞 複数形: debates   動詞 現在分詞: debating   


  • debate on    ~について論議する
  • debate with    ~と議論{ぎろん}する
  • to debate    to debate 論ずる ろんずる 論じる ろんじる
  • abortion debate    妊娠中絶{にんしん ちゅうぜつ}を巡る論争{ろんそう}
  • amusing debate    面白{おもしろ}い討論{とうろん}
  • angry debate    荒れ狂う論争{ろんそう}
  • animated debate    活発{かっぱつ}な討論{とうろん}
  • as a result of the debate    討論{とうろん}[議論{ぎろん}]の結果{けっか}
  • broad debate    広範{こうはん}な討議{とうぎ}
  • budget debate    予算審議{よさん しんぎ}
  • censure debate    譴責討議{けんせき とうぎ}
  • chair a debate    討論会{とうろんかい}の司会{しかい}をする
  • cheapen the debate on    ~についての論議{ろんぎ}をおとしめる
  • climate debate    気候変動討議{きこう へんどう とうぎ}
  • cloning debate    クローン[クローニング]論争{ろんそう}


  • rory sutherland: now , naturally , a debate raged .
  • i'll help you . we'll do a debate prep session .
    事前に模擬討論をして チェックをするのよ
  • in the ongoing debate about globalization , what's
  • is constituted through discussion and debate .
  • that is debatable , and we will have that debate .
    その点については もっと論議を...
  • right up until the end of that televised debate .
    あのテレビ討論が終わるまでは。 えっ?
  • and both extremes in this debate are just wrong .
  • but i think there's another debate to be asked
    しかし もう一つ議論すべきことがあると思っていて
  • which has driven so much of this debate . right ?
    だからこそこうやって 議論するんですけどね
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • a discussion in which reasons are advanced for and against some proposition or proposal; "the argument over foreign aid goes on and on"
    Synonyms: argument, argumentation,

  • the formal presentation of a stated proposition and the opposition to it (usually followed by a vote)
    Synonyms: disputation, public debate,

  • Verb
  • argue with one another; "We debated the question of abortion"; "John debated Mary"

  • have an argument about something
    Synonyms: argue, contend, fence,

  • discuss the pros and cons of an issue
    Synonyms: deliberate,

  • think about carefully; weigh; "They considered the possibility of a strike"; "Turn the proposal over in your mind"
    Synonyms: consider, moot, turn over, deliberate,

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