directive 意味
発音記号:[ di'rektiv, dai'rektiv ] 読み方
- directive n. 指令, 訓令.【動詞+】
- Local activists flouted the Party's directive that they lay down their weapons.
- The Prime Minister issued a directive that all work on the project (must) stop.
【形容詞 名詞+】- Many Japanese politicians were affected by the political purge directive issued by the army of occupation.
【前置詞+】- Only at the directive of…am I empowered to disclose information on the matter.
- We dealt with the case in accord with the recent directive of the Board of Trustees.
- Under the directive of the Prime Minister, the government has decided to adopt a policy of increasing domestic demand.
【+前置詞】- a directive to the army
- Local activists flouted the Party's directive that they lay down their weapons.
- action directive アクション指示{しじ}
- administrative directive 行政指導{ぎょうせい しどう}
- advanced directive 高度{こうど}な指示{しじ}
- assembler directive アセンブラ指示文{しじぶん}
- budget directive 予算指令{よさん しれい}
- compiler directive コンパイラ指示文{しじぶん}
- corporate directive 会社{かいしゃ}としての指示{しじ}[指令{しれい}]
- council directive 理事会指令{りじかい しれい}
- declaration directive 宣言{せんげん}
- directive antenna 指向性{しこうせい}アンテナ
- directive authority 指令権限{しれい けんげん}
- directive board 指導部{しどうぶ}
- directive case 方向格{ほうこう かく}
- directive counseling 指示的カウンセリング
- directive economy 指令経済{しれい けいざい}
- but that directive needs to be made permanent .
しかし その命令を 恒久化する必要があります - and that was it . we were given our directive .
まさに これでした やることは決まりました - directive . leave it right here to right here
指令だ。 ちょうどいい ここは ソイツに任せて - you are in violation of s .h .i .e .l .d . directive 1297 .
「S.H. I. E. - you are in violation of s .h .i .e .l .d . directive 1297 .
「S.H. I. E. - there was no program directive , no manual to follow
英才教育プログラムには指示書も - this directive [is ] called data retention directive .
データ保全指令と呼ばれるものです - this directive [is ] called data retention directive .
データ保全指令と呼ばれるものです - the shinto directive and the abolishment of the jingiin
神道指令と神祇院の廃止 - this directive says that each phone company in europe
- Noun
- a pronouncement encouraging or banning some activity; "the boss loves to send us directives"
- showing the way by conducting or leading; imposing direction on; "felt his mother''s directing arm around him"; "the directional role of science on industrial progress"
Synonyms: directing, directional, guiding,