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disaffectedly 意味



  • {副} : (特に権威{けんい}などに対して)不平{ふへい}[不満{ふまん}]を抱いて、反抗的{はんこう てき}に
  • disaffected elements    不平分子{ふへい ぶんし}
  • disaffected clique    不満{ふまん}を抱いた徒党{ととう}
  • disaffectedness    {名} : (特に権威{けんい}などに対する)不平{ふへい}[不満{ふまん}]、反抗的{はんこう てき}な感情{かんじょう}
  • disaffected citizens    不満{ふまん}を抱く市民{しみん}
  • disaffection broke out almost from the start    ほとんど最初から不平が起こった
  • disaffected     disaffected adj. 不満を抱いている. 【副詞】 deeply disaffected ひどく不満を感じて somewhat disaffected いくぶん不満を感じて strongly disaffected 強い不満を感じて. 【+前置詞】 A large segment of the electorate is dis
  • disaffection grew rapidly    不満が急速に広まった.


  • at that time , local powerful clans (local military aristocracies ) often behaved disaffectedly to the kokuga (provincial government office ), but it was overlooked due to the private relationship with central dominant nobilities , so an imperial decree to hunt down and kill tadatsune was rarely issued .
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