into a frothy emulsion , something like mayonnaise . 泡状の マヨネーズのようになります
the emulsion has separated from the base . 乳剤が分離してる
it's polyvinyl acetate emulsion 成分は酢酸ビニル樹脂エマルジョンで
it includes tou manju , momiji manju , kuri-manju , chidori manju (fukuoka ), and emulsion . 唐饅頭、もみじ饅頭、栗饅頭、千鳥饅頭(福岡県)、乳菓などがこれにあたる。
however , as it is substantially impossible to sterilize by heat , control was maintained by adding " emulsion (emulsifier on label )." しかし、加熱殺菌による殺滅は実質不可能なため『エマルション(成分表記上は乳化剤)』の添加による抑制がとられるようになった。
because america shirohitori grow as a group in the nest net , which is on the back of the leaves , until they reach their final form as worms , they are removed directly by cutting off the affected branches and leaves before they grow up to be imagoes , or are exterminated by spraying an appropriate amount of insecticide such as fenitrothion or emulsion of acephate . アメリカシロヒトリは、葉の裏に造る巣網の中で3齢虫まで集団で成長することから、成虫になる前に枝・葉を落とす直接除去もしくはフェニトロチオンやオルトラン乳剤などの殺虫剤を適宜散布することにより駆虫する。
a light-sensitive coating on paper or film; consists of fine grains of silver bromide suspended in a gelatin Synonyms: photographic emulsion,
(chemistry) a colloid in which both phases are liquids; "an oil-in-water emulsion"