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fallow 意味



  • fallow
  • bare fallow    {名} :
  • bare-fallow    {名} : 休閑地{きゅうかんち}
  • fallow acres    休閑地{きゅうかんち}
  • fallow crop    休閑作物
  • fallow deer    fallow deer ファロー鹿 ファローじか
  • fallow farmland    使われていない農地{のうち}、休閑中{きゅうかん ちゅう}の耕地{こうち}
  • fallow field    休耕田
  • fallow ground    fallow ground 切り畑 きりはた きりばたけ 閑地 かんち
  • fallow land    fallow land 休閑地 きゅうかんち 休め地 やすめち
  • fallow money    遊資
  • fallow period    休閑期{きゅうかん き}、休耕期間{きゅうこう きかん}
  • land in fallow    休閑地{きゅうかんち}
  • leave fallow    休耕にする
  • lie fallow    休ませてある、休閑中である、休耕中である◆土地が
  • lying fallow    lying fallow 休耕 きゅうこう


  • it's probably for the back acre , it's been fallow .
    裏手のだろ しばらく置いてあるよ
  • that every seven years you should let the land lay fallow .
  • and most of those seeds will fall on fallow planets .
    種となる物質は 休眠している惑星に 降り注ぐことになります
  • and it's one that's laid fallow in research .
  • we're surrounded by hundreds of square miles of nothing but fallow farmlands .
    数百平方マイルの農地に 囲まれている
  • in 1838 , the edo bakufu ordered that farmland in the shooting practice field be left fallow .
    1838年(天保9年) - 江戸幕府が、調練場内の田畑の休耕を命じる。
  • nazir's movements in green after a fallow yellow always creeping towards purple are methodical , meaningful momentous and monstrous .
    アブのナジールの活動は緑 その前に黄色があれば 何時も紫に近付く
  • something is gonna happen imminently , and it all has to do with a certain period in abu nazir's life , the fallow yellow if you want to be precise .
    近々また 何かが起きると その根拠は これまでのアブ ナジールの動き
  • the property in fallow years for kataarashi were used as grazing land but it was hard to plow and restart (called aratauchi ) such property for agricultural use .
  • on july 28 , 2006 , about 4 .3 square kilometers of the important part of the ruins (now most of the part is fallow fields or idle land ) was designated as a national historical site named " sendai koriyama kanga ruins group ."
  • もっと例文:  1  2


  • cultivated land that is not seeded for one or more growing seasons

  • Adjective
  • undeveloped but potentially useful; "a fallow gold market"

  • left unplowed and unseeded during a growing season; "fallow farmland"

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