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fealty 意味

名詞 複数形: fealties   


  • acknowledge fealty to    ~に恭順{きょうじゅん}を誓う
  • make fealty    忠誠{ちゅうせい}を誓う
  • oath of fealty    忠誠{ちゅうせい}の誓い◆【同】oath of fidelity
  • pledge fealty to    ~に忠誠{ちゅうせい}を堅く誓う
  • receive fealty    忠誠{ちゅうせい}の誓いを受ける
  • swear fealty for    ~に忠誠を誓う
  • swear fealty to    ~に忠誠を誓う
  • give one's fealty to the nation    国に忠義{ちゅうぎ}を尽くす
  • liberated from fealty to the state    《be ~》国家{こっか}から解放{かいほう}される
  • take an oath of fealty to    ~に忠誠を誓う
  • fealties    {名} : 忠義{ちゅうぎ} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】fi':(э)lti、【変化】《複》fealties、【分節】fe?al?ty
  • fealer    {人名} : ヘラー
  • feani     FEANI {略} : European Federation of National Engineering Associations ヨーロッパ諸国技術協会連盟
  • feal    {形} : 誠実{せいじつ}な
  • fear     1fear n. 恐怖; 不安, 心配, 懸念. 【動詞+】 I tried to allay her fears. 彼女の不安をやわらげようとした The evidence failed to allay my fears. その証拠も私の不安をやわらげられなかった He is unable to analyze his fear. 自分の不安の原因
  • feaf     FEAF {略} : Far East Air Force 極東空軍


  • you're summoned to king's landing to swear fealty to the new king .
  • today i shall accept oaths of fealty from my loyal councilors .
    本日、忠誠なる 議員諸氏より、国王への 忠誠の誓いを受ける
  • you are summoned to king's landing to swear fealty to the new king .
    新王への忠誠を誓いに キングズランディングへ召還されてます
  • pledge fealty to king renly and move south to join our forces with his .
    レンリー王に誓いを立て 南に行き彼の軍と合流するのだ
  • tell him to come to king's landing and swear his fealty to joffrey .
    キングズランディングに来て ジョフリーに忠誠を誓うよう伝えて
  • but if we pledge fealty to them , they'll give us casterly rock .
    でも奴らに忠誠を誓えば... ..."キャッスリー・ロック"は貰えるんだ
  • as a result of the punitive expedition to choshu in 1864 , choshu domain pledged fealty to the tokugawa government and the conservatives took power .
  • your son can go on calling himself king in the north , the starks will have dominion over all lands north of moat cailin , provided he swears me an oath of fealty .
    ご子息は北の王を称するがいい スタークは"モート・ケイリン"の北における全領土を手にする 私に忠誠を誓えばだが
  • on may 8 (the old calendar ), ieyasu took friendly means such as asking yodo-dono , hideyori ' s real mother , through kodai-in to tell hideyori to swear vassal fealty to him .
    5月8日 (旧暦)、秀頼に対して臣下の礼を取るように高台院を通じて秀頼生母の淀殿に要求するなど友好的対話を求めた。
  • japanization education is defined as an edification policy in territories under the governance of the empire of japan , requesting fealty toward the empire of japan led by its ruler , the emperor .
  • もっと例文:  1  2


  • the loyalty that citizens owe to their country (or subjects to their sovereign)
    Synonyms: allegiance,

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