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feint 意味

動詞 過去形: feinted   動詞 過去分詞: feinted   動詞 現在分詞: feinting   



  • feint ! matsunaga dodged here with a paint .
    フェイント! ここは フェイントで かわしました 松永。
  • your feint and kick was especially good .
  • and feint . magpie , magpie , magpie .
    カササギよ はばたいて...
  • his movements are a feint .
    余計な人間の動きは かえって足手まといだ
  • no ! it's a feint !
    違う! フェイントだ 上と見せて下
  • it was a feint !
  • that doesn't prove deceit it's a feint , designed to sharpen your deductive skills .
    あれは 嘘をついたからじゃない 見せかけだ 君の演繹的技量を磨くためにやった
  • eisai received injin (mystagogy certificates a buddhist priest awards his followers ) of the shingon sect and blended in existing power and tried to make a feint .
  • the russian empire enhanced its clout to east asia after the triple intervention , so korea enhanced the pro-russia policy including feint to japan .
  • his letters are , in my humble estimation , a feint , an attempt to make the authorities , or anyone who would attempt to analyze him , believe that he is one thing , when he is , in fact , another .
    僕の意見を言わせてもらえば 彼の手紙は 見せかけで 実際は違うのに 当局や彼を分析しようとする人物に


  • any distracting or deceptive maneuver (as a mock attack)

  • Verb
  • deceive by a mock action; "The midfielder feinted to shoot"

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