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fewest 意味



  • féw?est
    〔fewの最上級〕 [the ~] 最も少ない(数).


  • the fewest swedes picked , isn't it ?
    スウェーデン人が 選ばなかったやつでしょう
  • then it occurs in autumn the fewest .
  • what's the fewest pieces we could use to make a little life form ?
    最小限の部品で作るには どうしたらいいだろうか?
  • arthur west stored the data on the fewest spaces as possible .
    アーサー・ウエストは できるだけ小さいスペースの中に データを保管できるようにした
  • but our u .s . drone program lets us hit our enemies with the fewest civilian casualties .
    「無人機ならば 巻き添えを最小限に 抑えることができる」
  • this type was operated during the morning rush hours and in the evenings or later on weekdays , and until march 2007 , when the timetable was revised , this was the train that made the fewest stops among all types .
  • because the team made a demonstration of the ability to score goals which had been far and away the most in j2 and the stubborn defense which had conceded the fewest goals in j2 , it was expected that the team would stir itself up in j1 after an interval of three years .
  • (the number of noh works performed by the konparu school were the fewest among the five noh schools , only 153 in the last year of the taisho period . in addition , they did not include many secret or popular pieces such as ' obasute ' and ' kinuta ' , and that was one of the chief causes of the school ' s difficulties .)
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