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flood 意味

発音記号:[ flʌd ]  読み方
動詞 過去形: flooded   動詞 過去分詞: flooded   名詞 複数形: floods   動詞 現在分詞: flooding   


  • at the flood    満潮時{まんちょう じ}に、良い潮時{しおどき}に、好機{こうき}に
  • flood into    ~にドッと流れ込む
  • flood of    ~の殺到{さっとう}、膨大{ぼうだい}な、山のような
  • in flood    洪水{こうずい}となって、満ち溢れて{みちあふれて}
  • to flood    to flood 溢れる あふれる
  • adjustment to flood    洪水調整{こうずい ちょうせい}
  • annual flood    annual flood 年最大日流量[地球]
  • before the flood    ノアの洪水以前に、大昔に
  • ctcp flood    《イ》CTCP 洪水{こうずい}◆IRC◆多量の CTCP リクエストを連続送信する攻撃。犠牲者が全部に自動応答して犠牲者→IRC サーバへ異常な量の送信が行われると、犠牲者はサーバから強制切断される
  • damage by flood    水害{すいがい}
  • debris flood    debris flood 土石流[電情]; 土石流[地球]
  • design flood    基本高水、計画高水
  • destroyed by the flood    《be ~》流失する
  • devastating flood    壊滅的な洪水
  • drowned by the flood    《be ~》洪水でおぼれ死ぬ More than 100 people were drowned by the flood. その洪水で100人以上の人がおぼれ死んだ。


  • going to jump off the bridge near the flood gate .
    水門近くの橋から 川に飛び降りるって。
  • and cassie flood brought her story to you why ?
    キャシー・フラッドがその話を どうして君に?
  • tell security to flood the main entrance with nerve gas .
    ナノガスを 現場に流せ
  • you like for me to shave you , don't you , mr flood ?
    ひげを剃って もらいたいのね?
  • mr . flood is still there . she's single .
    ミスター・フラッドは まだそこにいるって 彼女 独身よ
  • mr . flood is still there . she's single .
    ミスター・フラッドは まだそこにいるって 彼女 独身よ
  • you know flood shot ben , but that doesn't matter !
    フラッドが撃ったことを 知ってるくせに
  • bovine mcfeely saved 17 cows from the great flood .
    17頭の牛を 洪水から救いました
  • i'm not gonna flood it . she's not gonna flood , all right ?
    大丈夫だ 心配するな
  • i'm not gonna flood it . she's not gonna flood , all right ?
    大丈夫だ 心配するな
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • a large flow
    Synonyms: overflow, outpouring,

  • the act of flooding; filling to overflowing
    Synonyms: flowage,

  • light that is a source of artificial illumination having a broad beam; used in photography
    Synonyms: floodlight, flood lamp, photoflood,

  • the occurrence of incoming water (between a low tide and the following high tide); "a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune" -Shakespeare
    Synonyms: flood tide, rising tide,

  • the rising of a body of water and its overflowing onto normally dry land; "plains fertilized by annual inundations"
    Synonyms: inundation, deluge, alluvion,

  • an overwhelming number or amount; "a flood of requests"; "a torrent of abuse"
    Synonyms: inundation, deluge, torrent,

  • Verb
  • cover with liquid, usually water; "The swollen river flooded the village"; "The broken vein had flooded blood in her eyes"

  • become filled to overflowing; "Our basement flooded during the heavy rains"

  • fill quickly beyond capacity; as with a liquid; "the basement was inundated after the storm"; "The images flooded his mind"
    Synonyms: deluge, inundate, swamp,

  • supply with an excess of; "flood the market with tennis shoes"; "Glut the country with cheap imports from the Orient"
    Synonyms: oversupply, glut,

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