footfall footfall n. 足音. 【形容詞 名詞+】 a heavy footfall 重々しい足音 She was awakened by even the lightest footfall. どんなにかすかな足音でも目が覚めた We didn't hear her soft footfall. 彼女の軽い足音は聞こえなかった.
foothold foothold n. 足場; 地盤, 地位. 【動詞+】 The smooth surface of the cliff affords no foothold. この断崖のなめらかな表面には足がかりがない establish a foothold 足場を築く find a foothold on a rock wall 岩壁に足がかりを見つける
where's the plane crash at foothill ? フットヒルの 飛行機事故は?
we're , like 22 minutes from foothill , and only five from a hit and run . 22分の距離 5ブロック分
air ops respond . reported plane down . whiteman field , south of foothill . フットヒル南で飛行機墜落
we're comin' up the foothill . 丘を登ってきた所だ
sansai-tori (wild vegetables and chicken ) kamameshi , yama no fumoto no tori kamameshi (chicken kamameshi served at the foothill ), sumibiyaki jidori (grilled local chicken ) kamameshi , awabi (abalone ) kamameshi - 山菜鶏釜めし、山のふもとのとり釜めし、炭火焼地鶏釜めし、アワビの釜飯
according to shigetaka miyakami , the name tenshu originated from tenshu of gifu-jo castle , where nobunaga oda , requesting shuryo sakugen , gave the name to a four-story palace understood to be located at fumoto (the foothill ). 宮上茂隆によると、天守の名称の由来は岐阜城の天主が始まりであり、織田信長が、策彦周良に依頼して麓にあったという四階の御殿に命名したものであるという。
the southeastern foothill forms a relatively slow slope and there are castle walls along the three dales leading to the sea (that are referred to as ' first castle door ,' ' second castle door ' and ' third castle door ,' respectively ) that still remain in existence today . 南東麓は比較的緩やかな斜面で、海に通じる三本の谷(北から順に「一の城戸」「二の城戸」「三の城戸」)には城壁が残っている。
located in the southern foothill of yatsugatake , henmiso had henmi-no-maki , a livestock grazing land for ancient officials , spreading in the area , and kiyomitsu settled in present seikoji temple area (nagasaka-cho , hokuto city ) (alleged otherwise to be located at wakamiko , sudama-cho , hokuto city ) and built yato castle (oizumi village , hokuto city , yamanashi prefecture ) as tsume-no-shiro , a retreat and backup castle . 八ヶ岳南麓の逸見荘は古代官牧逸見牧が発達しており、現在の清光寺域(北杜市長坂町)に館を構え(北杜市須玉町若神子とも)、詰城として谷戸城(北杜市大泉村 (山梨県))を築城したという。
a relatively low hill on the lower slope of a mountain