forties 1 {名} : 40台、40歳代、40年代、40番台、40度台 forties 2 {名} : 40、40個、40人、40歳 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形} : 40の、40個の、40人の、40歳の There were forty people in the
116 bay central , i need a bus to the command forthwith . ベイセントラル116に救急車を頼む
i'm willing to resign the commission forthwith . そこまで言うのなら 辞めるぞ
well , then i suggest you surrender to the captain's mercies forthwith . 船長に話すんだ
i request the court to direct that those shackles be removed forthwith . 直ちに 拘束を 解くことを要求します
i need a bus and an 85 forthwith at valentine and east tremont . ただちにバスと85を バレンタイン イースト・トレモントへ
and that all sports teams representing south africa shall be known forthwith as the proteas . 南ア代表のスポーツチームは 紋章を全て 国花の"プロテア"にすべきだ
and requests that she present herself at the palace , whereupon , if she be willing , he will forthwith marry her 宮殿にお越しいただき そこで... ... 新王との結婚を...
i agree to free your daughter's soul and return it forthwith to her body , where it shall remain safely until her natural death . 娘の魂を解放して 彼女に戻してもいい 彼女の寿命まで 問題なく生きれる
and with his fine qualities , will be able to take my place forthwith without interruption or injury to the life and progress of the empire . 優れた能力が滞りなく 帝国の進歩と 繁栄を導くと
if they found any hint of truth to this , they intended to discharge mochiaki hachisuka from the post of prefectural governor forthwith . そのような事実が少しでもあれば容赦なく蜂須賀茂韶を知事から罷免するつもりであった。