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forward 意味

発音記号:[ 'fɔ:wəd ]  読み方
動詞 過去形: forwarded   動詞 過去分詞: forwarded   動詞 現在分詞: forwarding   


  • forward to    ~へ転送{てんそう}する
  • to be forward    to be forward 先走る さきばしる
  • to forward    to forward 送り出す おくりだす 届ける とどける 寄越す 寄こす 遣す よこす
  • to forward to    to forward to 仕向ける 仕向る しむける
  • 〈to〉 forward    〈to〉 forward 転送する[電情]〈99X0032:情報処理用語―電子メール〉
  • go forward and forward    どんどん前進{ぜんしん}する
  • a step forward    a step forward 一歩前進 いっぽぜんしん
  • auto-forward    auto-forward 自動転送[電情]〈99X0032:情報処理用語―電子メール〉
  • backward and forward    {1} : 前後{ぜんご}に -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : (話し方などが)しどろもどろで -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • balance forward    繰越残高{くりこし ざんだか}
  • bend forward    bend forward 前屈 ぜんくつ
  • bound forward    躍進{やくしん}
  • bring forward    {句動-1} : 進める、進歩{しんぽ}させる、促進{そくしん}する、生育{せいいく}させる -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {句動-2} : 面前{めんぜん}に出す、持ち出す、提出{ていしゅつ}する、提案{ていあん}する、公にする、公開{こうかい}する To te
  • brought forward    {名} :
  • brought-forward    {名} : 繰り越し


  • i look forward , i will not look back and i will
    前を見るのよ 振り返らないで そうするわ
  • my tsubasachan was so looking forward to it .
    ウチの翼ちゃん とっても楽しみにしてるんですよ。
  • crouch button , forward , and then punch ...
    しゃがみボタン 前進 パンチの コマンドで...。
  • crouch button , forward , and then punch ...
    しゃがみボタン 前進 パンチの コマンドで...。
  • you're looking forward to cats' blowjobs , right ?
    猫の浅知恵など お見通しぜよ。 え?
  • but life won't let us move forward so easily .
    だがよ 思い通りに 事が運ばねえのが世の中だ
  • anyway i look forward to seeing you . aloha
    「とにかく 楽しんでます」 [tel]「めんそーれ」
  • i really was looking forward to being husband number 5 .
  • then , i look forward to your continued help .
    では 今後も よろしく お願いいたします。➡
  • okay , step back a little bit . okay , step forward .
    ちょっと下がって うん、前に出て
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • in a forward direction; "go ahead"; "the train moved ahead slowly"; "the boat lurched ahead"; "moved onward into the forest"; "they went slowly forward in the mud"
    Synonyms: ahead, onward, onwards, forwards, forrader, ahead, onward, onwards, forwards, forrader,

  • at or to or toward the front; "he faced forward"; "step forward"; "she practiced sewing backward as well as frontward on her new sewing machine"; (`forrad'' and `forrard'' are dialectal variations)
    Synonyms: forwards, frontward, frontwards, forrad, forrard, forwards, frontward, frontwards, forrad, forrard,

  • toward the future; forward in time; "I like to look ahead in imagination to what the future may bring"; "I look forward to seeing you"
    Synonyms: ahead, ahead,

  • forward in time or order or degree; "from that time forth"; "from the sixth century onward"
    Synonyms: forth, onward, forth, onward,

  • near or toward the bow of a ship or cockpit of a plane; "the captain went fore (or forward) to check the instruments"
    Synonyms: fore, fore,

  • in a forward direction; "go ahead"; "the train moved ahead slowly"; "the boat lurched ahead"; "moved onward into the forest"; "they went slowly forward in the mud"
    Synonyms: ahead, onward, onwards, forwards, forrader, ahead, onward, onwards, forwards, forrader,

  • at or to or toward the front; "he faced forward"; "step forward"; "she practiced sewing backward as well as frontward on her new sewing machine"; (`forrad'' and `forrard'' are dialectal variations)
    Synonyms: forwards, frontward, frontwards, forrad, forrard, forwards, frontward, frontwards, forrad, forrard,

  • toward the future; forward in time; "I like to look ahead in imagination to what the future may bring"; "I look forward to seeing you"
    Synonyms: ahead, ahead,

  • forward in time or order or degree; "from that time forth"; "from the sixth century onward"
    Synonyms: forth, onward, forth, onward,

  • near or toward the bow of a ship or cockpit of a plane; "the captain went fore (or forward) to check the instruments"
    Synonyms: fore, fore,

  • Adjective
  • at or near or directed toward the front; "the forward section of the aircraft"; "a forward plunge down the stairs"; "forward motion"

  • of the transmission gear causing forward movement in a motor vehicle; "in a forward gear"

  • used of temperament or behavior; lacking restraint or modesty; "a forward child badly in need of discipline"

  • Adjective
  • moving forward
    Synonyms: advancing, forward-moving,

  • Verb
  • send or ship onward from an intermediate post or station in transit; "forward my mail"
    Synonyms: send on,

  • Noun
  • a position on a basketball, soccer, or hockey team

  • the person who plays the position of forward in certain games, such as basketball, soccer, or hockey

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