gathering gathering n. 集会, 会合; 収集. 【動詞+】 address a gathering of distinguished persons 知名なお歴々の集会に向かって話す attend a family gathering 一族の集まりに出席する break up a gathering 集会を解散させる call a gath
but you can go to a hunter gatherer society 狩猟採集の社会では
besides priests , fukuotoko (the luckiest man ); fukumusume (the luckiest girl ); people involved in shinto rituals (such as the arrow gatherer of a bow and arrow performance at a festival ); performers and promoters at a festival (including sumo wrestlers , daikagura lion dance performers , and stall keepers ) as well as their sources (such as the medieval sarugaku form of theater and kugutsu puppet theater ) are all ' kannagi ' and have long been thought to have special power to bring good luck . 神職だけでなく福男や福娘や神事に携わる庶民(祭り弓矢の矢取りなど)や祭りの興行者(相撲の力士や太神楽の芸人あるいは、縁日の露天商なども)その源流(猿楽・くぐつなど)は「かんなぎ」であり、良い縁起を齎すものとして、特別な力があると考えられてきた。
a person who is employed to collect payments (as for rent or taxes) Synonyms: collector, accumulator,
a person who gathers; "they were a society of hunters and gatherers"