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harness 意味

発音記号:[ 'hɑ:nis ]  読み方
動詞 過去形: harnessed   動詞 過去分詞: harnessed   名詞 複数形: harnesses   動詞 現在分詞: harnessing   


  • in harness    {1} : (馬が)馬具{ばぐ}をつけて -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : 仕事中{しごとちゅう}で
  • body harness    体に付ける装帯
  • breast harness    胸帯でつないだ馬具{ばぐ}
  • buckle on the harness    馬具を着ける
  • child harness    チャイルドシート
  • collar harness    首輪状の引き具
  • die in harness    殉職{じゅんしょく}する
  • double harness    共同{きょうどう}、協力{きょうりょく}、結婚生活{けっこん せいかつ}、二頭立て馬車用引き具
  • full harness    フル?ハーネス
  • get into harness    仕事{しごと}に就く
  • harness a horse    {動} : 馬に馬具をつける、馬をつなぐ
  • harness bull    巡査{じゅんさ}、制服{せいふく}の警官{けいかん}
  • harness clamp    ハーネス?クランプ
  • harness cord    harness cord 通糸(つうじ)[化学]〈98L0306:製織機械用語〉; 通糸[化学]
  • harness electricity    電力{でんりょく}を利用{りよう}する


  • she helped take the harness off of diego , patched me up .
  • so how can we find a method that will harness this ?
    では どうしたら この素晴らしさを
  • this is the kind of aggression we need to harness !
    これぞ 我等が求める 攻撃性なのだ
  • to harness them to make their dreams a reality .
  • setting harness for test mode . waiting for second pilot .
    副操縦士が 来るまで待機
  • and a climbing harness . and some rubber cement .
    それと登山用の ハーネスと接着剤だ
  • to harness open data and make our city even better
  • lance , this harness has my balls in my fucking throat .
    ランス ひもが俺の 玉を潰してる
  • arca can harness most compounds at any temperature .
    アーカはどんな温度の液体でも 利用できる
  • you need to harness it . you need to give it meaning .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • stable gear consisting of an arrangement of leather straps fitted to a draft animal so that it can be attached to and pull a cart

  • a support consisting of an arrangement of straps for holding something to the body (especially one supporting a person suspended from a parachute)

  • Verb
  • keep in check; "rule one''s temper"
    Synonyms: rule, rein,

  • exploit the power of; "harness natural forces and resources"

  • put a harness; "harness the horse"
    Synonyms: tackle,

  • control and direct with or as if by reins; "rein a horse"
    Synonyms: rein in, draw rein, rein,

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