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hierarchic 意味



  • {名} : 階層的{かいそうてき}
  • hierarchic sequence    階層的序列{かいそう てき じょれつ}
  • single hierarchic path    single hierarchic path 単一階層パス[電情]
  • hierarchial population    hierarchial population 階層集団[医生]
  • hierarchal    {形} : 大祭司{だい さいし}の、教主{きょうしゅ}の、高僧{こうそう}の
  • hierarch    {名-1} : 大祭司、教主{きょうしゅ}、高僧{こうそう} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {名-2} : 高位{こうい}の人、権力者{けんりょくしゃ} ------------------------------------------------------
  • hierapolispamukkale    {名} :
  • hierarchical abstraction    階層抽象化{かいそう ちゅうしょうか}
  • hierapolis-pamukkale    {名} : ヒエラポリス-パムッカレ◆ユネスコの世界遺産。トルコ
  • hierarchical architecture    階層{かいそう}アーキテクチャ


  • in order to regain leadership after going through the tenmei famine in times of okitsugu tanuma , the shogunate chose neo-confucianism out of confucianism for the official learning , which put importance on the hierarchic order and agriculture; on the other hand , they banned kobunjigaku , (study of ancient rhetoric ) and the kogaku (learning about ancient teachings ), which were popular learning at that time for corrupting public morals .


  • classified according to various criteria into successive levels or layers; "it has been said that only a hierarchical society with a leisure class at the top can produce works of art"; "in her hierarchical set of values honesty comes first"
    Synonyms: hierarchical, hierarchal,

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