in order to regain leadership after going through the tenmei famine in times of okitsugu tanuma , the shogunate chose neo-confucianism out of confucianism for the official learning , which put importance on the hierarchic order and agriculture; on the other hand , they banned kobunjigaku , (study of ancient rhetoric ) and the kogaku (learning about ancient teachings ), which were popular learning at that time for corrupting public morals . 田沼意次時代の天明の大飢饉を乗り越え、低下した幕府の指導力を取り戻すために、儒学のうち農業と上下の秩序を重視した朱子学を正学とし、当時流行していた古文辞学や古学を「風俗を乱すもの」として禁じた。
classified according to various criteria into successive levels or layers; "it has been said that only a hierarchical society with a leisure class at the top can produce works of art"; "in her hierarchical set of values honesty comes first" Synonyms: hierarchical, hierarchal,