holiday 意味
発音記号:[ 'hɔlədi, 'hɔlidei ] 読み方
動詞 過去形: holidayed 動詞 過去分詞: holidayed 名詞 複数形: holidays 動詞 現在分詞: holidaying
- holiday n. 休日, (数日の)休暇, 祝祭日; 《英》 長い休暇, (休暇を取っての)旅行.【動詞+】
- The governor had to cut short his holidays because of the crisis back home.
《英》 国もとで危機が発生したために知事は休暇を早めに切りあげざるを得なかった
- August and September are the months of the year during which most English people take their holidays.
《英》 8 月と 9 月にほとんどのイギリス人が(まとめて)休暇を取る.
【+動詞】【形容詞 名詞+】- After he had done overtime work for a week, he enjoyed a well-earned holiday. 1
【前置詞+】【+前置詞】- a holiday with friends
- The governor had to cut short his holidays because of the crisis back home.
- on a holiday on (((米))a) hóliday Click...
- on holiday 休暇{きゅうか}で◆自宅にいない We are on holiday until the end of the month. 私たちは月末まで休暇中だ。
- annual holiday 年次休暇
- apply for a holiday 休暇願{きゅうか ねがい}を出す
- at holiday peaks 休日{きゅうじつ}のピーク時に
- at holiday seasons 休暇{きゅうか}のシーズンには
- at holiday time 休暇の時に、休日の時期に
- away on holiday 《be ~》休暇を取って(不在である)
- bank holiday 銀行休業日{ぎんこう きゅうぎょうび}
- banking holiday 銀行休業
- become a holiday 祝日{しゅくじつ}になる
- before a holiday 休日前{きゅうじつ まえ}に
- blindman's holiday 薄明{はくめい}、夕暮れ{ゆうぐれ}
- bon holiday 盆休み
- business holiday business holiday 休業日 きゅうぎょうび
- the vietnamese new year (tet ) is a big holiday .
旧正月(テト)はやはり盛大に祝われる。 - redemption akira ikki yes council holiday one season
还有 明天起我有要事会休假一星期 - wear this for summer holiday when we go to masamisan's place .
明子! 殿! - iii've never been much for the holiday stuff .
たくさんのクリスマスグッズって 経験がないの - the day is a public holiday in a number of countries .
いくつかの国では休日とされる。 - sorry , but the holiday is over brother dear .
悪いが 休暇はおしまいだ... 親愛なる弟よ - i was going to buy this with my holiday bonus ...
これ、ボーナスで買おうと思ってたやつだ。 - let's have fun on our summer holiday .
で この村に 勇者ヨシヒコの 血を継ぐ者がおるというのは⇒ - the game's run by a guy named george holiday .
ジョージ・ホリデーって男だよ ゲームを仕切ってた - i had to charm holiday with my mad poker skills .
ホリデーに魔法をかけて 下手くそにしてやる
- Noun
- leisure time away from work devoted to rest or pleasure; "we get two weeks of vacation every summer"; "we took a short holiday in Puerto Rico"
Synonyms: vacation, - a day on which work is suspended by law or custom; "no mail is delivered on federal holidays"; "it''s a good thing that New Year''s was a holiday because everyone had a hangover"
- spend or take a vacation
Synonyms: vacation,