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hypo 意味

名詞 複数形: hypos   


  • HYPO
    {略} :
    High-Power Water-Boiler Reactor


  • John gartner wrote this book called the hypomanic edge
    "The Hypomanic Edge"という本には
  • John gartner wrote this book called the hypomanic edge
    "The Hypomanic Edge"という本には
  • get the hypo from the equipment lock , jrgen .
    注射器を用意して −
  • With all the species of the phalacrocoracidae generally lumped under one genus , the phalacrocorax , there are some different theories that the flightless cormorant is classified into the genus nannopterum or that all other species are subdivided into genera such as the hypoleucos , the leucocarbo , the stictocarbo , and the compsohalieus .
    科内の全ての種をPhalacrocorax 属1属にまとめてしまう事が多いが、その中でガラパゴスコバネウだけはNannopterum 属として分ける説や、他の種もHypoleucos 属・Leucocarbo 属・Stictocarbo 属・Compsohalieus 属などに細分化する説などがある。


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