life also has a kind of inheritable information . 生命は子孫に情報を伝えます
coupled these now to inheritable information さらに情報の継承も取り込めば
in addition , as the third son of nobunaga , he had more inheritable blood than nobutaka , who had been adopted by the kanbe clan . また、三法師は3男であり神戸氏へ養子に出ている信孝よりも血統的な正統性が強かった。
a mulberry field of approx . 0 .93 hectares was supplied to each male additionally , and it was specified that this field was inheritable . また男子はこれとは別に20畝の桑田を与えられ、これは世襲できるとされた。
later , on january 26 , 758 , daijokan (grand council of state ) infromed that 4 cho (1 cho = 9917 sq .m .) of rice field given to zo-shokinge fumi no atai jokaku after the jinshin war was a inheritable reward to up to his grandchildren . 後に、天平宝字元年(757年)12月9日に、贈小錦下文直成覚が与えられた壬申の年の功田4町が、中功にあたり、2世に伝えるべきことを太政官が決めた。
in the equal-field system in sui , it was specified that a bare field of approx . 3 .72 hectares and an inheritable field (segyoden ) of approx . 0 .93 hectares should be supplied to each male (the system to supply fields to wives , slaves and cattle was abolished ). 隋の均田制では、男子に露田80畝と世業田20畝を支給することとされていた(夫人・奴婢・牛への支給は廃止されている)。
capable of being inherited; "inheritable traits such as eye color"; "an inheritable title" Synonyms: heritable,