intensify 意味
発音記号:[ in'tensifai ] 読み方
動詞 過去形: intensified 動詞 過去分詞: intensified 動詞 現在分詞: intensifying
- intensify v. 強める, 激化させる; 強まる.【副詞1】【+前置詞】
- Fears for the safety of Americans from terrorism intensified with the bombing of the World Trade Center in New York City.
- Fears for the safety of Americans from terrorism intensified with the bombing of the World Trade Center in New York City.
- to intensify to intensify 深まる ふかまる 深める ふかめる
- intensify a campaign 運動{うんどう}を強化{きょうか}する
- intensify a conflict 紛争{ふんそう}を激化{げきか}させる
- intensify a desire 欲望{よくぼう}を強める
- intensify a feud with ~との確執{かくしつ}を強める
- intensify a review of ~の査定{さてい}を強化{きょうか}する
- intensify activities in ~における活動{かつどう}を活発化{かっぱつ か}する
- intensify advertising 広告{こうこく}を強化{きょうか}する
- intensify consultations on ~に関する協議{きょうぎ}を強化{きょうか}する
- intensify cooperation on ~ついての協力関係{きょうりょく かんけい}を強化{きょうか}する
- intensify focus on ~に主力{しゅりょく}を注ぐ
- intensify in flavor 味の染み方にむらができる原因{げんいん}になる、味の濃いところと薄いところを作る、味に濃度むらを作る
- intensify support for ~への支援{しえん}を強化{きょうか}する
- intensify symptoms 症状{しょうじょう}を強める
- intensify the cheering 喝采{かっさい}の声を強める
- and instead moved to intensify iran's isolation
そして イランは自らの 孤立を深める代わりに ― - that this process of narcissistic capitalization will intensify .
自己陶酔的な資本主義が さらに強くなるということ - and intensify its original investment
するためのものです - we must intensify our efforts .
努力を惜しんでる場合ではない - after the appointment of the hatakeyama clan , however , a movement to become a fully independent territory started to intensify .
しかし同年後は本格的な領国化を目指す動きが盛んになっていた。 - the single resignation of war minister shunroku hata in 1940 caused the yonai cabinet to fail and spurred japanese militarism to further intensify .
1940年には米内内閣が畑俊六陸相の単独辞職により崩壊するなど、日本の軍国主義の深刻化に拍車をかけることになった。 - this attack brought the end of the alliance between nagamasa and nobunaga , and after that , these two great rivals started to intensify the confrontation between them .
これにより長政と信長の同盟関係は終束し、以後の両雄は対立を深めることとなる。 - kunikage nagao remonstrated to fusasada that eijuomaru ' s inheriting the post would intensify the unrest , which was taken by fusasada (kunikage ' s superior ) as a slight on him , and so he arrested kunikage and forced him to commit suicide , and defeated kunikage ' s legitimate son sanekage nagao who revolted against him ..
長尾邦景は永寿王丸復帰によって却って混乱が深まると諫言したが、これを守護である自分を軽んじるものとして受け取った房定は邦景を捕えて自害させ、これに対して反乱を起こした邦景の嫡男長尾実景を攻め滅ぼした。 - in 1855 , he was posted to nagasaki , and became a disciple of moroto sakata , the head of yusoku-kojitsu (knowledge of court rules , ceremony , decorum and records of the past ), thus causing him to intensify his shoko shugi , and after returning to fukuoka , he went out with his friends in strange attire , wearing eboshi (formal headwear for court nobles ) and hitatare (a kind of ancient court dress ).
- Verb
- become more intense; "The debate intensified"; "His dislike for raw fish only deepened in Japan"
Synonyms: deepen, - make more intense, stronger, or more marked; "The efforts were intensified", "Her rudeness intensified his dislike for her"; "Pot smokers claim it heightens their awareness"; "This event only deepened my convictions"
Synonyms: compound, heighten, deepen, - increase in extent or intensity; "The Allies escalated the bombing"
Synonyms: escalate, step up, - make the chemically affected part of (a negative) denser or more opaque in order produce a stronger contrast between light and dark